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Creativity with iPads:

iMovie is a great software that allows the average person to create professional looking movies with the greatest easy.  It has the ability to make trailers for home movies, more control over audio, instant replay and flash and hold effects, facial recognition, news themes, and the ability to watch the video on a Mac, iPad, iPhone/iPod touch, or Apple TV, as well as sharing on Facebook and YouTube

Animoto allows for you to upload your images, voice, and add music to a generated video.


Here are some examples:

High School - Mission Trails 
                    -  Global Stratification

Elementary School - Jane Goodall 


  • Persuasive Commercial

  • Personal Narrative

  • Video to represent

  • How to Video

  • Public Service Announcement

  • Skit or Drama

  • Book Trailers

  • Create a visual for vocabulary words for a unit

  • Create a video portraying characters

  • Create a video share a theme 

  • Interview

  • Create a video to share you knowledge about an event in time

  • Create a video from a different perspective

  • Create a Video explaining how to work through a problem

  • Record student reading for fluency

  • Create Newscast

VoiceThread is an online media space that can house images, documents, or videos.  This site allows for people to have conversations in the cloud.  They can make comments by using their voice with a mic or telephone, texting, or video file with their webcam.  They can share their thread and collect group conversations from anywhere/anytime.

Cool Video Apps

Ways to Use during Instruction:

Resources for Teachers:

lended Learning Conference
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