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Using Symboloo really makes seeing Apps easier for users


Many apps can help students understand and practice math


We seem to focus on lower level thinking skills when it comes to apps, we need to be focusing on that higher level, we NEED our kids creating not just consuming


Loved the time to view apps, I would have never tried some of these on my own, if I had not had this opportunity.  Great Job!  Give us more opportunities like this!


There are so many apps to use, but needing to look for all levels of learning, not just knowledge level.


There is soooo much to share with my team of teachers but all of my school needs to know this.


Teachers need more opportunities like this!  This was SO beneficial we have had the time we needed to try everything, I worry about returning to school and forgetting what I have learned, but I know I will be supported by those here which is a good thing, I will need the support.


Ths ability to network with others, what wonderful.


Socrative now has image upload :)


Learning how to be imaginative with instruction, thinking about instruction differently, not just a focus on the test.


K12 timed reading was worth it....great for running records.


I have a folder to share with my team.


You can integrate apps in other content areas if you are creative.....and they can support learning across the curriculum.


Did not know all of this existed!


 "AHH" moments from the Blended Learning Conference?

Reflections from the #MCSBLC

More Cross Curricular Connections


Knowing about apps that teachers use in the classroom, what is helpful and what students did not like


Diferent ways to use the different apps in the classroom


There is a lack of knowledge of the Math Standards, this is something we need work on


Sessions that pertained to level and subject  taught


More focus on Language Arts and writing specifically 


Examples of Cross Curricular Products that students have created.


Another conference next summer for us to grow from this  year, and have a beginning conference so others can experience this wonderful week......this was amazing and worth the time in the summer, maybe have this conference earlier so a person could work on it during their summer months.


Make everyone communicate on edmodo so we can learn from each other.


Need group to try and use apps and report back the winners and lossers, maybe we can do this on edmodo.


Working together and discussing success or failures will help in the future


Have an iTunes login and account per school and a limited fund to purchase apps


Apps that give you feed back in high school as there are in younger aged apps.


Maybe some direction or classroom examples how to integrate math and ELA.


A password for  downloads besides having one or use my own.........this is confusing.


Would like to know how to program my own app.


Would like more on elapsed time, and measurement


Teachers make sure you share on edmodo, I fear we will get busy and all this excitment will stop.



What we will need in the future?
lended Learning Conference
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