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Edmodo social networking platform that allows teachers to connect with tudents in a safe and protected environment. Teachers can share information, give tests/quizzes, share documents/websites, take polls, take assignments, and send out text reminders, and so much more!


Edmodo can help create a classroom culture of trust and acceptance and establish an enviorument in which students are empowered and comfortable with:

  • gives feedback to continuously improve classroom teaching and learning by all

  • learning from mistakes to enhance achievement

  • aiming for goals to maximize their potential

  • encourage students to participate and engage in process thinking

  • model acceptance and respect as students offer ideas to improve the classroom culture or learning system

  • act upon peer suggestions to reinforce the value of student input

  • In a classroom culture that supports students as co-producers of their learning, students:

Past Sites about Edmodo:!other-webtools


Using Edmodo for PBL:


How do we KEEP Up?

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