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Process: (Throughput)

This stage of Differentiation gives students the chance to process what has be the input of knowlege into the brain.   This is the time with learners work in groups or alone.  LIterature circles are a great example of the process, this is the time students make true sense of what they are learning.

an instructional strategy that ask students to consider a concept from different perspectives.  The six-sides figures that contain different activities on each side of the cube, gives students the chance at different activities.
How is this DI?
Not all students reciive the same cube,  the cubes are differentiated according to readiness, learning profile, or interest.
How it works?
Students can work alone, in pairs, or in small groups.  Students take turn rolling the dice and doing teh activity that comes up.  they do have the option one time to roll again.  Students each roll the cube 2-4 times depending on the number of assignments you want them to complete.


Cube Suggestions:

Compare, Describe, analyze, apply, illustrate, solve it, rearrange, evaluate, Put in a historical perspective, cartoon it, argue for/against, create, diagram, 


Becareful an do not let Cubing become a glorified worksheet!




Think-Tac-Toes and Cubing Activities:


Cubing Activity:


Cubing: Differentiated Instructional Strategy



Sample and Templates:


Give each student a set of activity cards on a ring, or activity sheet.  Each student rolls the die and completes the activity on the card that corresponds to the dots. 


Use Think dots to lead students in to a more critical type of thinking, or to review before an assessment, or as an assessment

Other Sites of Interest:


Student Self~ Assessment:



Flexible Grouping:









Differentiated Instruction....... 


  • High-Quality Curriculum

  • Continuous Assessment

  • Supportive Learning Enviroment

  • Flexible Grouping

  • Respectful Task


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